Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Unexpected Surprise

Hi there, if you're reading this then welcome to my new blog.

Today I found out that a company in Sweden wants to hire me.  Just 3 hours ago the CEO sent me an email.

My first reaction.

Are you serious?

I am still in a state of almost complete disbelief, I almost feel like it's a joke really!

First of all I did not apply for this position, a recruiter contacted me about 2 weeks ago at midnight asking if I wanted to apply and as usual my attitude is "Sure, why not?" so I just made an attempt to have the interview the following day.  I think the interview went well but you know it wasn't like I blew them away, personally I think I've had much better interviews.  I was completely unprepared for it.  Prior interviews, I studied, I practised, I actually attempted to give a shit.  For this interview, my preparation was to give myself a shave, yeah that's it.

How I prepare for an interview.

There was just no way in hell this would work.  I had a 30 minute talk with the CEO and their head of development.  It went okay, I think.  I didn't expect much to happen, if anything it was just interview practise.  In fact I was expecting the recruiter to contact me today saying "Blah blah blah.. no" and my reaction would have been "Blah blah blah... okay".

I was supposed to hear from them by middle of last week, and 5 days had already past, so I thought there was no way this would've been positive, but turns out I was wrong.

So very... wrong.

So, why the negativity?  Well I'm usually not like that.

You see, for the past year I've been apply for positions in different countries, and the processes range from doing short tests, to doing more and more tests with a few rounds of interviews.

Endless frustration.

Frankly it was mind numbing, tedious and really stupid.  I have over a decade of experience, entrepreneurial, an out of the box thinker, and a doer.  I was a university scholar, I inspire and I always try to learn everything because I frankly, know nothing.  But, give me the chance to learn and I know I can do it, as long as it doesn't involve giving birth.  Despite all of the above, for some reason I couldn't pass any of those interviews, despite having 14 persons interview me before I moved to Norway.  For every failed interview a bit of me was slowly dying, until I thought "Well, this is a joke really" and had given up.

After a year of frankly, bullshit interviews, I finally adopted a "couldn't care less" attitude near the end of September.

My new attitude.

How is it possible that I can even get a job with this attitude, I know, you're reading my mind!

Something funny happened.

Over the last month I was in New York, and just thinking back a few weeks ago, I talked to a girl whose boyfriend was in Sweden, and in the bus going to Niagara Falls there was also a Swedish couple sitting close to me.  And of course when I got back this recruiter contacted me about a position in Sweden.  Lately I have been drawn to Swedish news which I also do not ever read!  Not that I believe in signs, but... is this a coincidence?  I finally get a position after not giving a damn anymore with almost like the worst personal interview that I considered, ever?

So now you can understand when I got the email from the CEO close to 1am, my reaction was like...


Is life playing a prank on me?  For goodness sakes I have even sent all my clothes out of the country, I am now literally left with nothing but a suitcase of clothes, toiletries, and some food.  Well looks like I'm going to have to get it all shipped to Sweden....

But that's besides the point.

Perhaps the universe has been trying to say something to me all along.

"You need a BIG change, and you will get it when you don't give a flying ass about anything anymore."

Fast forward a few weeks later, here I am at another crucial turning point in life.

Now I am still yet to accept the position, but I'm sure I will when it's all sorted.

It's pretty exciting, I have to admit.  Even though I was really "ARE YOU KIDDING?" when I got his email.

I will post more to this blog as the journey moves forward.

But first, it's time for breakfast. :)

Oh yeah, I'm Limo and I lead an almost charmed life, unexpectedness, sometimes madness, but in a good way.  You might want to read my current Working in Norway blog to find out a bit about my background.

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