Thursday, May 9, 2019

Moving ✈️

So guess what?  The UAE company decided to pay for my attestation.  Yep.  They are pretty mad or just insane.  And they paid and did it.  Honestly, I don't think I'm that worth it, but it's good to know that someone else thinks so!

But thanks, really!

I announced my resignation today in Scania and will announce my resignation tomorrow in my consulting company.  I've also signed the contract for Dubai.  Guess this means I'm really moving.  My Scania manager said it's a blow to Scania and that I was brilliant, but I mentioned to him that I wasn't.  Just an ordinary guy really.  I'll be working on the Dubai 2020 expo and designing a system for 20 million users.  Working on large scale problems is what I've always been interested in and becoming a cloud architect is what I've always wanted.  It's a dream really.  I also got the job in New Zealand which is more of a public cloud lead position.  If not for Dubai I would have definitely picked New Zealand or the US but again designing a system for 20 million users poses such a tremendous challenge and the project is so high profile I just can't help but be drawn to it. 😂  Normally I would have never in a million years picked to live in Dubai but there you go, now it looks like I'm heading there.

June 28th will be my last day at work and probably last day in Sweden as well!

It's time to move on to better things.  I've been in Sweden for over 3 years now.  To be fair, Sweden isn't the worst country out of all the countries on Earth.  It is, however, the worst country I have personally lived in.  I would never want to live here forever or be a citizen.  This country has lots of problems facing it, and the solution that it is taking is to pretend these problems do not exist.  Right now, for example, they are promoting a campaign of not catching planes.  It is ludicrous.  This is to cut down on carbon emissions.  What's next?  Riding camels to work whilst the rest of the world moves onto autonomous flights?  It is also not a good country if you want to earn money and save.  The government eats a large chunk of your money, whilst doing nothing to improve the livelihoods of its citizens.  Literally, nothing is improving here.  In fact, things are only going downhill.

Well, it's been a ride!

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