Monday, March 7, 2022

War what's it good for absolutely nothing ❌

Someone asked me to post something, so here I am posting... yes Linnéa I am talking about you.

Since the last time, April 2021, a few things have happened.  I'm currently at Schibsted in the Cloud governance team that is run by someone who we (in the team, and that's me, a lady from Latvia, and a guy from India who lives in Norway) believe has dementia and has the skills of a brick.  The good news is I am leaving Diabol, my current shit ass consulting company (the company has literally only a few people left, more than half of the company left last year), and joining SEBx in April.  Either 1st April or the 11th.  I'm hoping to start earlier.  Thanks to Anthon my former work colleague for recommending me.

Almost 2 weeks ago war broke out between Russia and Ukraine.  And ever since then it's been just death for no reason other than no reason.  


Let's hope no other country joins in this madness.  Especially not a NATO one as that would literally mean the beginning of World War 3.  Every day in the office I'm looking up BBC, the guardian, or some other media outlet keeping up with this insanity, which I know obviously isn't good for mine, or anyone's, mental health.  I also haven't seen my family since 2020.  I'm just hoping all this shit ends soon so I can go to a normal life, whatever that means, even though life has been totally abnormal for a long while now.  Hardly anyone's going to the office.  But maybe that's just Schibsted.  And Canada seems more and more like a distant dream, although I have to say I haven't even tried again since 2020.  Now I'm just awaiting permanent residency in this country so then I have the option of not working anymore.  I would rather trade and be in control of my financial destiny so to speak.

Speaking of which, the VIX (volatility index) is highly elevated now, it's only been this high several times since it's created in 1993, which means now it's the best time to buy the stock market.  Of course if it's the beginning of WW3 then all bets are off and if that case money will no longer matter, only survival in terms of weapons and food.  But if you believe life will go on and be better and this war will be over soon, then *now* is the time to buy.  And if so, history will prove I am right, because human behaviour never changes.  Every human behaves the same way, because all humans are wired the same.

After living in 5 countries now, the way that I see the world is different to how most people see the world.  I see the world as a globe, and land with imaginary borders.  Within these imaginary borders, are "countries".  Within these proclaimed "countries", are "citizens" of that country, with some identity, governed by a group of groups of people, who may or may not be "elected".  That does not matter, as these groups of people are always cut from the same cloth.  Which are not the best of society.  Because what kind of person believes they can rule a country when they can't even control the affairs of their own home?  Unfortunately the general populace believe they need to elect crooks ("politicians") who dress up in ties and who can speak well in front of a teleprompter to run their country, even if both parties are crooks.  The system itself is flawed.  Then the crooks say whatever they need in order to get elected, while proclaiming they will do whatever it takes for the "greater good".  They increase taxes on the "rich", and turns out the "rich" was you in the end!  Or they get bribed through the act of "lobbying", and then people wonder why their lives keep getting worse over time even though they elected Mr Crook to improve their lives.  I understand this is a rather simplistic explanation but the matter of fact is people are people, and so you cannot rely on them to be patriots or saints in least of all, the government, which has been found to have itself been committing crimes against its own citizens.  Look up Operation Northwoods, for example.  What you see on TV or on-screen is a smoke screen, you really do not know these people.  Words are cheap.  Actions are all that matter in life.

So what is the solution?  The solution is less reliance on government.  The less you rely on government, the better off you will be.  You have to be responsible, in everything that you can be.  That means to take charge of all aspects of your life.  If you have children embody them with character and teach them to learn.  Everything in life that is worthy of achieving is difficult and challenging, be it in relationships, work, or anything in between.  It's the difficult times that show what kind of a person you are and builds you up to the person that you will be.  The founding fathers of the United States knew this.  The American constitution is not for everyone, you have to be responsible and take charge of your life.  Small government is good government.

Looking for a short term relationship is different than a long term relationship.  One should never be fooled into thinking just because good things are happening now it will last forever.  And likewise one should never think that just because things are bad now when the relationship has just started, that it will be bad forever.  I know women who wanted to reject their now married partner in the beginning, but now they're married and still married.  The matter of fact is, no one knows everything about anything, which is great because at least you'll have a purpose in life to keep learning.  No number of PhDs will teach you how to be more human, or kind, or empathetic.  All systems built by humans do not last, because humankind itself is imperfect.  However, having ability to recognise that you are flawed and to be able to self reflect is perfect, because then you'll know you always have a reason to get better and to strive to get better.  I admit that I'm a racist (biased towards skin colour) but hey I am working on that.  Compared to the millions who simply believe they are not racist and are therefore "perfect".  What I've realised over the years is that I am more open minded, more tolerant and a lot less fussy than almost everyone I know.  Even though I believe I am close minded, not as tolerant and pretty fussy.

So pity the fools who believe they know everything, because it demonstrates that they know nothing.  And these people are the most dangerous ones to mankind because they will try to impose their completely biased views on everyone and everything.  Any kind of person who is unwilling to change their mind on anything in life has no hope of being in any kind of fruitful discussion.

Often the cheapest way, at least to me, to open your mind is to read or learn something totally unrelated.  To me that's reading about humanities.  Or some person's autobiography.  Or talk to someone who has a totally different occupation.  But when you do that you will realise your biases are brought out, and sometimes you have very strong views.  The trick then is to just shut the fuck up (seriously) and just listen.  Accept that you're biased in your own way, and just listen to their words and why they think the way they think.

But nothing really beats living in another country, surrounded by people who are totally different from you.

In the end we're just on a globe in space, skeletons and a brain cased in human flesh.  Destined to be nothing but specks of dust floating through the sands of time.

Let's hope the Ukraine Russia war ends soon.  Preferably since yesterday. 🙏

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