Saturday, April 14, 2018

Friday the 13th

Damn, it's already 2018.  And Friday the 13th!

And finally, don't move to Sweden.  Really, just don't.

I haven't written in a while.  I planned to write at least once a month.  What happened!  Since the last time I wrote, I spent a month in the US on the west coast.  Travelling to Vegas, Arizona, San Diego and Los Angeles.  Xmas was spent in the US as well as New Year.  All in all it was a rather eventful year.  I stayed in Scania, and still am in Scania.  But I don't plan to be in Sweden forever that's for certain.

Because frankly my dear, it just ain't that grand.

You will hardly find any Australians here.

Nor Americans.

Nor Canadians.

Nor Singaporeans.

Nor Norwegians! (Nor nor.. oh I am so funny tonight...)

Why is that?

Because Sweden ain't all that great compared to these other countries.  Now in the odd event that you *do* find them here, it's because they have a partner or something like that (Yes, the dick is indeed mightier than the brain!).

You will on the other hand, find plenty of .. let's just say, people from less developed countries.  Sometimes far less.

Now nothing wrong with that.  But no amazing country is built on hiring the best of the anti-best.  Some of the worst software developers I have seen *in my life* are here.  I am sure there are some very good Swedes who are absolutely great at what they do.  They just aren't in Sweden.

Real Swedes are gone with the wind!

Now saying that, I still consider myself very blessed to be here.  After all who can say they've lived, properly lived, in 4 countries?  If you said that to me as a teenager I would have said you were kidding.  Yet here I am.  And I worked hard, really freaking hard, in school, at work, all my life to be where I am today.  Of course luck counts as well, but you just don't get to work in that many countries without being seriously good.  And I intend on improving my whole life, as long as I can see, smell, hear and think.

This evening I went to watch "A Quiet Place".  It was a pretty good movie!  Interesting take and refreshing.  The only issue I had was about half the movie was silent and the subtitles were in Swedish.  I still managed to understand maybe half, but probably it's not so great if you do not understand any Swedish.

Well goodnight for now!

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